
myfactorySAASambicon.modulsBusiness PortalInformationsambicon.EDI

ambicon. Modules- Additional modules to the myfactory.BusinessWorld



The module ambicon.Deposit enhances the myfactory merchandise management module in terms of deposit accounting. It expands the standardized deposit process with the required features to map the process, irrelevant of branch (bottles, building materials supplies), or automated deposit accounting (bottle crates, pallets etc).



The module ambicon.drop shipping broadens myfactory.ERP with the necessary functions for  the parallel registration of  sales and purchases in dropshipping. If required, for each and every sale or purchase a sales document/purchase voucher can be automatically generated.   Drop shipping overview provides you with numerous filter options  so that you can keep track of the status of any sale or purchase round the clock.



The module ambicon.Bonus expands the myfactoryInvoice with a flexible bonus system.  The options range from a general bonus payment  to a customer specific bonus.  The absolute highlight: Turnover targets and average  payment targets can be taken into account in terms of  bonus payments.



The additional module ambicon.TabletPC is a decentralized fast document entry module. It was designed to optimize the work on a Tablet PC, this module can be used with a stylus as well as a mouse and keyboard.



Das Modul ambicon.Zuschläge erweitert die myfactory.ERP um frei definierbare Zu- und Abschlagsarten. Die Möglichkeiten erstrecken sich von der Definition beliebiger Versandkostenzuschläge bis hin zu Kleinmengenzuschlägen. Mehr ...


The module ambicon.Surcharge enhances the myfactory.ERP with individual definable surcharges.  Options range from the shipping cost surcharges to small scale order surcharges.

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